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by Kashyap Bhansali

由Kashyap Bhansali

如何通过创建更好的工作流程找到下一个大想法 (How to find your next big idea by creating a better workflow)

How do you brainstorm ideas?


You look for problems around you. Once you find a problem, you quickly develop an App, publish it on the mighty internet, and mint money ?.

您正在寻找周围的问题。 一旦发现问题,您就可以快速开发一个应用程序,然后将其发布在强大的互联网上,并赚钱。

Only if it were that easy.


The biggest mistake we often make is to find “problems”. It’s just that most things don’t appear to us as problems, at least to me they don’t.

我们经常犯的最大错误是发现“问题”。 只是大多数事情在我们看来并没有成为问题,至少在我看来,它们没有。

For most people, we don’t stumble upon great ideas very frequently. And one fine day when you come up with a super awesome game-changing idea, you find out a bazillion other products exist that do the exact same thing. Maybe even better than you thought.

对于大多数人来说,我们不会经常偶然发现好主意。 美好的一天,当您想到一个超棒的改变游戏规则的主意时,您发现存在不计其数的其他产品,它们可以做同样的事情。 甚至比您想像的还要好。

You wonder and dig further to understand how so many apps that do pretty much the same thing, solving the same problems, are doing so well. What is the secret to their product’s success? Could you target the same niche of problems and do amazingly well too?

您可能想知道并深入研究,以了解有多少应用程序在做同样的事情,解决相同的问题方面做得很好。 他们的产品成功的秘诀是什么? 您能针对相同的问题领域做同样出色的事情吗?

Do you know what the most successful products are selling to their users? They are not selling an “idea,” because they know those zillion others are doing the same. Instead, they sell something that sets their product apart from others.

您知道最成功的产品销售给他们的用户吗? 他们没有卖出“想法”,因为他们知道其他成千上万的人也在做同样的事情。 相反,他们出售使自己的产品与众不同的产品。

Its all about a product’s unique way of guiding its user to perform a set of tasks seamlessly. This unique way is what we call a workflow.

这一切都与产品引导用户无缝执行一组任务的独特方式有关。 这种独特的方式就是我们所说的工作流程

Some examples of good Workflows we often hear these days: Deploy your Web App with “One Click”, Integrate e-commerce with “One Click”, Do XYZ with “Zero configuration”, , and so on.

如今,我们经常听到一些良好的工作流程示例:通过“一键式”部署Web应用程序,通过“一键式”集成电子商务,通过“零配置”执行XYZ, 等等。 。

I hope you get the point. Its all about how easy you make it for your potential users to achieve something with your product. Let your product do the heavy-lifting of the whole process. That's where your engineering skills come in.

我希望你明白这一点。 这一切都是关于您如何使潜在用户轻松实现产品成果。 让您的产品完成整个过程。 那就是您的工程技能的用武之地。

But let’s not deviate from the main focus of this post: “Users” and “Workflows”.


Workflow is defined as the sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.

将产品视为一组工作流程 (Look at a Product as a set of Workflows)

Your product can do more than one thing. It can be a single point solution that helps achieve multiple things. This combination is what creates great value for your users.

您的产品可以做很多事情。 它可以是单点解决方案,有助于实现多方面的目标。 这种结合为您的用户创造了巨大的价值。

For example, in 2007, three important workflows were combined to create a beautiful new product. Watch it below!

例如,在2007年,三个重要的工作流程相结合,创建了一个精美的新产品。 在下面观看!

Three workflows — a music player, a phone and an internet communicator — combined and gave birth to the iPhone.


The idea of workflows can apply to everything around us. Let it be software or something else. Although my thoughts are around software for now.

工作流的想法可以应用于我们周围的所有事物。 让它成为软件或其他东西。 虽然我目前的想法是围绕软件。

如何为下一个产品塑造想法 (How to shape an idea for your next product)

First of all, it is important to find your niche. What are you good at? What knowledge do you already possess? How can you leverage past experiences to develop something that you know and care about? How would it make a difference for a million others like you?

首先,找到自己的利基很重要。 你擅长什么? 您已经拥有什么知识? 您如何利用过去的经验来开发自己了解和关心的东西? 这对像您这样的百万其他人有什么影响?

Most of the time, you will see the market is kind of saturated for a certain product idea, but you can actually use it to your advantage. See what works and what doesn’t. Understand how it is creating value for its users.

在大多数情况下,您会看到市场对于某种产品创意而言已经饱和,但是您可以实际使用它来发挥自己的优势。 查看哪些有效,哪些无效。 了解它如何为用户创造价值。

And don’t just look at the known good ones. Also, analyze the products that didn’t make it to the top. Sometimes, it is good to know what will not work. Once you develop this mindset of evaluating a product based on its Workflows, you are doing your market research right.

而且不要只看那些已知的好东西。 另外,分析那些没有达到最高水平的产品。 有时,最好知道什么是行不通的。 一旦建立了基于工作流评估产品的思维方式,就可以正确进行市场研究。

Once you find something good, identify what is missing. Could you make parts of it better? Could you reduce the number of steps to achieve the same outcome? Could you make it more cost-effective? Could you combine good workflows to offer a single point solution?

找到好东西后,找出缺少的东西。 你能把它的一部分做得更好吗? 您能否减少达到相同结果的步骤数? 您能否使其更具成本效益? 您能否结合良好的工作流程来提供单点解决方案?

生产力与工作流程紧密相关 (Productivity is closely tied with Workflows)

How much time and effort is it saving? Why is it important? Because that’s how our world progresses.

它节省了多少时间和精力? 它为什么如此重要? 因为这就是我们世界的进步。

When you develop something that saves someone’s time and effort, that saved time can be put to good use somewhere else.


For example, think about automation. Automation is saving millions of human-hours, that can be put to good use to develop and automate even more difficult things. This is what helps create breakthroughs in every field. It starts a chain reaction of saving precious time that leads to increased overall productivity.

例如,考虑自动化。 自动化节省了数百万个工时,可以充分利用这些时间来开发和自动化更困难的事情。 这有助于在每个领域取得突破。 它启动了节省宝贵时间的连锁React,从而提高了整体生产率。

Think of a like Uber: the app has a good workflow that makes it easy to connect drivers with riders, and gives the rider the ability to easily track the driver’s location. It has a workflow that enables carpooling, which make rides relatively cheaper and there is less idle time for drivers. It’s a win-win for both riders and drivers.

想想像Uber这样的 :该应用程序具有良好的工作流程,可以轻松地将驾驶员与骑手联系起来,并使骑手能够轻松跟踪驾驶员的位置。 它具有支持拼车的工作流程,使拼车相对便宜,驾驶员的空闲时间更少。 对于骑手和驾驶员来说都是双赢。

Sure running a company is not easy. But if you can see the bigger picture, your workflow could become very valuable — maybe the world won’t be able to imagine a time without it.

确定要经营一家公司并不容易。 但是,如果您能看到更大的图景,您的工作流程将变得非常有价值-也许世界将无法想象没有它的时间。

You can look at things in one more way. You must have read many articles explaining how millennials have a short span of attention. There exist so many distractions that we have limited time to focus.

您可以通过另一种方式看待事物。 您必须阅读许多文章,以解释千禧一代如何受到短暂关注。 存在太多的干扰因素,因此我们只有有限的时间集中精力。

As a developer one should think about workflows that help a user get the most value from that short attention span. It’s crucial to make the flows as natural as possible for the user, such that there is a minimal learning curve. This is how great tools make you depend on them and you don’t even realize it — in a good way.

作为开发人员,应该考虑可以帮助用户从短暂的关注时间内获得最大价值的工作流。 使用户尽可能自然地流动是至关重要的,从而使学习曲线最小。 这就是很棒的工具如何使您依赖它们,而您甚至根本没有意识到这一点-一种好方法。

This kind of thinking has grown small startup ideas into Unicorns. That’s the difference: you keep thinking of startup ideas when you should really be thinking of solving the workflow.

这种想法已经将小型创业想法发展成为独角兽公司。 那是不同的:当您真正应该考虑解决工作流时,您会一直在考虑启动想法。

Here is your bonus for sticking until the end:


Masters of Scale is an original podcast hosted by Reid Hoffman, Co-founder of LinkedIn and Investor at Greylock. In each episode, Reid shows how companies grow from zero to a gazillion, testing his theories with legendary leaders.
Scales Masters是由LinkedIn联合创始人兼Greylock的投资人Reid Hoffman主持的原创播客。 在每集节目中,里德展示了公司是如何从零发展到庞大的,并与传奇领导人一起检验了他的理论。
— MastersofScale.com
— MastersofScale.com

About Me


I am and this is my first post on Medium. Its a chance for me to escape my mind chatter and sum up my thoughts & experiences.

我是 ,这是我在Medium上的第一篇文章。 这让我有机会摆脱chat不休,总结自己的想法和经验。

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如果您喜欢它,请鼓掌并跟我来! :)




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